Monday 28 September 2009

[Week II] Movie review... FIRST POST??? hahaha

The movie entitled "Keeping Mum" starring Rowan Atkinson, commonly known as Mr.Bean, depicts a life portrayal of a vicar and his family which consists of his wife, a son and a daughter. This drama-comedy themed movie gives scrutiny on how a man would fall too deeply to his occupation and utterly forgetting his family.

The vicar (Rowan Atkinson) finds himself too busy with his religious life while his family barely has proper communication and interaction with each other. The plot of this movie rises as a new nanny was hired to the family and it is previously introduced that this nanny has a psychological problem, in which she willingly murdered someone as that person interrupted her life. As problems start surfacing in the family, the ignorant vicar keeps on focusing on his job, without any acknowledgment of what happened to his beloved ones, which includes an affair of his wife to her golf instructor.

The nanny, as she discovers the complexities in the family unhesitatingly jumps in to the problems and starts solving them with her own way, murdering the source of the problems one by one. The genre of the movie shifts into drama or even thriller. Along the way, as problems in the family slowly resolve, the motifs of the movie are given to the audience.

One thing to note about this movie is the type of comedy presented. Rowan Atkinson is famous for his slapstick or physical comedies, however, audience will rarely see such type of comedy in this movie. The comedy is mostly implied in this movie through the dialogues of the characters and thus, the audience are subjected to different side of Rowan Atkinson, who is rather calmer and more religious. Overall, I'm giving 6/10 for this movie under the reasons of it's genre inconsistency and superficial plot movement.

1 comment:

  1. To be frank, I'm a wee bit confused when I read your review for the first time. New vocabularies is fine, but think about other people who would read your review. For myself, to completely understand about your review I need to read it for several times. It is true that one of the knowledge we can gain from your review is about the language in use, however, I believe what we're expecting on reading a review is to make us getting the whole point about the movie it self instead of wondering what is the meaning of 'inconsistency'. Still, it's not a bad thing to do, but please make a second thoughts.

    Another thing I note is the synopsis. The synopsis is not exactly stated in the review, just the overall. Well, actually it is necessary to put them as clear as possible considering people who never watched this movie and tried to make their own opinion.

    Overall, your review is fine, just make it a wee bit more easier for the reader to digest it :) though new vocabularies is actually cool.
