Friday 11 September 2009

[Week I] Topic sentences: Plagiarism in Malaysia, Indonesia and other countries.

Plagiarism is happening in many countries especially in Indonesia and Malaysia, other countries may do so but people have not realized about that. This paper will define about plagiarism and the real examples and experience from the writer.

In general, plagiarism is defined as taking other people works and without changing the content and make it become his or her work. The word "work" here can be lyrics from songs, thesis or even group project,etc.

In my own experience, I have ever had a team for doing assignment. when we have done all of the works one of my friend in my team let another group to see our work because the person did not understand how to do the assignment so he need an example by seeing our work. When the due dat, we collected our work and then we realized that our assignment were similar to that team that we showed them for the example. It was not a problem for us because we had showed our assignment to the lecture before the due date asked him to check our work. Then we did not know what had happen to that group cheated our assignment.

Beside my own experience, there are real examples come from Indonesia and Malaysia where one of the male singers from Malaysia copying our singer lyric. In that song, Malaysian singer just changed the word "Indonesia" to "Malaysia" where other words are the same. This case cause our singer become upset then he created a new song to make Malaysia become silly although the Malaysia singer have said sorry to him.

Unfortunately from the case above, Indonesia also did some plagiarism. In drama TV tahat broadcasted in Indonesia many producers took other countries drama idea like Taiwan, Japan and Korea movies where Indonesia producers just translate the language into Indonesia Language without changing the story. This case really makes the film industries in Indonesia become minim of ideas.

In conclusion plagiarism is really against the law because copying other works or ideas is not good. Indonesia, Malaysia and other countries should consider about this word "Plagiarism" because by doing this can cause the country become silly to the other countries.