Monday 26 October 2009

[Week VI] Unnatural Beauty Contest

Budapest - Hungary, it was a night for unnatural beauty contest, Miss Plastic 2009. This contest was held in order to promote plastic surgery for all women to make it easier for them to become beautiful.

- “By restoring harmony, eliminating asymmetries and giving women the opportunity to have normal features” (Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Tamas Rozsos)

Every women in this universe are deserve to be beautiful, in fact, it is their privilege to have an attractive appearance. Therefore, Hungarian fully support this event. In this contest, the contestant have to prove them selves that they're totally under the knife.

Since Hungary has a very bad reputation about plastic surgery, they decided to held such occasion. Hungarian used to laughed about plastic surgery but it's time for the Hungarian women to care more about their appearance.

- “They’re the most beautiful in Europe”, (Photographer, Marton Szipal)

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