Tuesday 6 October 2009

[Week III] Knowing About Adolescence

There are many definition about adolescence, because of that I'll define it in a simple one. The meaning of adolescence is growth toward independence, and the beginning of lifelong commitments its meant that the transition from the dependence of childhood to the independence of adulthood. Actually it is very hard to know when a person has begun to be adolescence and the end of it.

Adolescence is generally marked by two things, they are biological or physical changes. Biological changes can be known when the children reach the sexual maturation and for the physical one can be marked by the increase in height and weight an also voice. For girl the growth process is faster than boys where girls from the age of ten until 15 and for boys it will started between 12 till 17 years old or more.

In social life, the children who have become adolescence will search everything that they want to know from about drugs, friendship with other people, to know more about themselves, etc. Every things that they want to do should be consulted with their parents because at this position of adolescence, children try to do things without future plant, that's why the role of parents is very important,

When the children have become adolescence and have many of problems they will try to do something insane like suicide. This suicide can be caused by many factors like the teenagers background, their psychological problem like depression, and social problem like having bad friends. On this problem, again parents have an important role for monitoring their children before something bad happen to them, although teenagers don't like what their parents have done in controlling them in their life.

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