Tuesday 6 October 2009

[Week III] Adolescence

Adolescence is a proses of changes from child into adult that consist of physical and psychology. The process of adolescence can we see as a physical growth , we gain more height and weight.On the other hand,psychological changes can't be seen but we can't see the result as the way they act and the way they think.

The physical changes is one of the process to be an adult. Girl grow up faster than boy but they stop grow up earlier than boy, girl usually start at 10 to 17 and boy 12 to 21. Not only physical but also sexual change because the reaction of hormone. The psychology changes can be seen when they interact with others and the way they think such as solving problems , talking with their friends , making decision , etc.

In this process children usually still searching who they really are. they usually act like people who they admired. Not only the act but also how they walk , speak , using clothes , etc. In this process parents should be guide their children so they won't get in the wrong way. In this time they really easy to believe other people assumption and they like to try something new so if parents don't guide them properly they could fell into disaster.So parents have really big responsible in the process of adolescene , they are the one who give their children good advice and manage their limit.

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