Monday 12 October 2009

[Week IV] Case study: Greta Pearson

As for my view about the five cases of possible suicide attempts, Greta Pearson’s case is likely the lowest possibility suicide attempt since she still has hope left to continue with her life. Greta Pearson is a 16 years old intelligent girl who just discovered that she is pregnant. She lives alone with her mother who is alcoholic and her father had left when Greta was still 4 years old. She also has several close female friends at her school and has no longer relationship with her boyfriend who dumped her for another girl. There are several reasons why she can continue with her life.

First, she’s intelligent. She’s smart with her studies as stated in her case source, but it also means that she’s clever with other things. So she can figure out a way to solve this problem. She can either sue her boyfriend since he’s responsible for making her pregnant even if they’re not together anymore.

Secondly, different countries have different regulations. Some of the countries in the world allow students to continue to go to school even though she is pregnant. If she lives in that country, it will make things easier for her. But if she doesn’t live in that country, she can quit her school and start a new life with her baby while trying to earn a job.

Lastly, she has several close friends. Even though some of her friends might turn down on her, she still has her close friends. Even her mother is alcoholic and her father left home; she still has her close friends to support her. Most girls matured a lot faster than boys so they can keep their promise and help Greta with the baby such as lending their money and take turns on taking care of the baby.

However, she also has the right to decide on her own. She can either quit school and starts a new life as a mother of a son or daughter or continue on with her school along with her baby.

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