Monday 12 October 2009

[Week IV] Case study: Greta

In my opinion, among all of the cases of possibilities of attempt to commit suicide in my task that my lecturer gave to my class, the first case has the lowest possibilities to commit suicide, which is Greta Pearson's case. Her case is that she's only 16 years old and intelligent but already pregnant. Her mom has no job and alcoholic. Her dad left them when she was 4 and her mother never remarried. She is the only child in the family but she has some close girlfriends. She has no more relationship with her boyfriend. And I think that this case has the lowest risks, because in my opinion she can through this very well.

First of all, she is an intelligent girl even though from the source is stated that "she does well on her school", doesn't mean that she is only smart in the academic way, but intelligent, generally means that she is smart to do what is the best for herself. So she can just sue the guy that made her pregnant to even if they do not live together at least still give her money for the baby's life's fee. If he refuse to give helps, she can put him into a jail. And despite it doesn't help her financially at least it helps her emotionally with a little feeling of satisfaction.

Second, some countries allow people whom pregnant to go to school and learn like normal kids but the others don't. If she lives in a country that doesn't, she can just wait until the baby is born, continue her school after that, and get a job. and if she lives in a country who does, it is even more easier, she can graduated from her school and get a job faster. But of course she will get much pressure from her schoolmate about her bad reputation, but as she is an intelligent girl, i think she can handle the temporary pressure just until she finish her school. Generally people finish their high school in the age around 17-19 but some of the people finish their high school even faster, especially for them who does good in their school, like her. And a smart girl like her actually can get a proper job after finishing her high school.

Third, in the source is also stated that "she has several close girlfriends", it doesn't say the exact amount of her close girlfriends, so it could be approximately 4 and 6. And according to the relationship of close friends, i think she can keep borrow money from her friends for the baby's life's fee until she gets a job. Of course friends also have limitations, but then she can make a deal to their friends like giving the money back soon after she is capable of doing that.

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